What is Positive Psychology Coaching?
Positive Psychology Coaching help you realize your full potential to live more fulfilling life. Improve and capable you make a life most worth living.Optimism-Health-Work-Love-Happiness-Strengths.

Vanamala Ramesh (Author)

Positive Psychology Coach

Martin Seligman, an American psychologist. In 1988 gave the term Positive Psychology.

Positive psychology

Positive psychology is a scientific approach that studies what makes life most worth living. It focuses on studying your well-being, optimism, health, work, love, happiness, character strengths, virtues, and talents.  The application of positive psychology helps us realise our full potential and help us live more fulfilling lives.

Positive Psychology Coaching

Positive Psychology Coaching is a practical, real-world approach that helps people improve their lives using tools and techniques based on established psychological principles and methods.

Positive Psychology helps one experience their highest PERMA.

What is PERMA?

  • P – Positive Emotions
  • E – Engagement
  • R – Relationship
  • M – Meaning
  • A – Accomplishment

If one wants a very High PERMA life or fulfilled life, one needs to experience these five elements regularly. If any of these are missing in our life, then the possibility of operating on high PERMA is not possible.

The magical formula that one sholud always keep in mind is:

VIA Strengths + Optimistic Mindset + Goal & Vision Clarity = Highest PERMA


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